Has a piece of SoulKu jewelry helped get you through a challenging situation—an illness, training for a marathon, a break-up, a stressful event...?
At SoulKu, we are committed to being in service and love hearing how our handmade gemstone jewelry and crystal specimens have positively impacted our customers' lives.
Share with us your heartfelt #SoulKuGotMeThru story by emailing us at soulkustories@soulku.com
1. Email us a written story for a $10 gift card!
Must be 750 characters or more. Be sure to include what specific SoulKu item helped inspire you! And feel free to send a photo if you like.
2. Email us a video testimonial for a $20 gift card!
Video must be filmed vertically (like an Instagram Story). Please show us your gorgeous face and showcase the specific piece of jewelry from your story. Can include multiple SoulKu items if needed.
*Note: Only 1 submission/person. To receive a gift card, you must consent to allowing SoulKu to use your video or written story for potential marketing opportunities.