SoulKu and the Transforming Cow

So what does a COW have to do with SoulKu? We think it all comes down to our business model. 
See, when things really change for the better in a rural tribal village - it's because the women get together and buy a cow.  They build community around the care for the cow, they nourish their children with the milk from the cow and they sell the milk to have the money to buy another cow.
Eventually, that one cow creates such a profound change within the community that the community is transformed forever.
That's how it is with SoulKu. Yes we sell really unique, meaningful, gemstone jewelry AND, just as important,  we are committed to our stay-at-home mom business model and to paying them a wage that they deserve-not just what we can get away with by law. 
It's a way of doing business that honors the heart and soul of each person who works with us, shares their lives with us and grows in community with us. 
In turn the support that they feel is transferred into the beautiful jewelry that they make and that you buy and wear or give. We've heard it again and can literally feel the love in each piece.
And as we grow the impact on not just our community, but your community, is exponential. 
Your purchases keep the circle of community going and going and going. 
Together we can prove that women working together, in community can change the way business is done.
Thank you for all your support, your purchases, your enthusiasm. We feel it, are in deep, deep gratitude for it and know how blessed we are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for helping with our cow. :)
"Though she be but little, she is fierce!"
-William Shakespeare

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  • I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon your company in a shop in San Fransisco’s China Town. The bracelet I purchased was the exact healing I’ve been looking for. When I looked further, the intent of your business model is such an important message to the world. Thank you…

    Wendy on

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