How to turn on the porch light of your soul

The following post is a gift from the Universe via a friend of a friend and Facebook. Both Allison and I had felt like we were spinning our wheels a bit. Not knowing what to pay attention to and not getting where we thought we needed to be. So we asked the question  “What should we be doing differently?”

It’s amazing what the Universe will offer up when you ask for guidance. This post is the perfect example of that. It resonated so deeply with Allison and I that we felt absolutely compelled to offer our friend of a friend, Julie, a guest blog spot (our very first!) on SoulKu.  For us, this post is proof that the Universe has our backs. Maybe this is the message you’ve been asking for as well. Let it wash over you and know that we are always here to celebrate, inspire, connect and empower YOU!

My #1 marketing tool: I turn the porch light on in my energetic field. I align with the One, and send out the vibe that I am ready to be of service for those in need, and for those that are a match for what I offer. I ask if there is any relevant information for me, any inspired actions to take… I listen and I act. Done.
I had an intensely inward month, where, thankfully, my client-load was light. This was no coincidence. I didn’t fret. I had zero anxiety. I knew it was a match for what I could offer and I was thankful for the “time off” to do my inner work.

This week, my energies came fully back online, and I turned that porch light on. Twice. That’s it. Two times, in case the first didn’t stick wink emoticon Within 48 hours, I have a FULL schedule next week. New clients, old clients. and a radio talk show to boot.

I don’t say this to be cocky. I has taken me years to learn this and to align in this way, and to not have my human freak out. I offer this as inspiration, if it resonates with you. The outer realm is a reflection of the inner. You can have the most amazing website, the most ridiculous marketing plan… if you are not aligned with the work, it won’t happen. It just won’t. Meanwhile, if you are aligned, it is effortless.

It’s good to mention, too… to be sensitive to your system. Know when you are offline, when there is inner or outer stuff to tend to. Have faith that your clients will wait, your business is ok to slow down for a moment. The Universe has your back unconditionally. There is no lack. You can set aside fears of not enough-ness or any sense of missing out. As soon as you are ready and aligned, all will be at your door.

***Julie Elizabeth Day is a Spiritual Therapist, Teacher, and Prayer Practitioner. She helps others to see the holiness of the human-ness, and to access their soul’s unique blueprint to bliss. For more info visit her site:

The post How to turn on the porch light of your soul appeared first on Unique Handcrafted Jewelry - SoulKu.

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