Slow Down & Deepen Your Intentions & Peace of Mind

"Just slow down. Slow down your speech. Slow down your breathing. Slow down your walking. Slow down your eating. And let this slower, steadier pace perfume your mind. Just slow down."

- Doko

Does this happen to you? You're barreling along, taking care of all that needs to be taken care of in your life — outside of yourself — the work, the family, the decisions, the maintenance. 

And you're so busy taking in the never ending stream of conflicting/disturbing  news, while you fix meals, clean house, do laundry, all the while TRYING to stay sane, supportive, strong for all those that need you.

There is a frenetic energy to it all, but the pace seems to be the one thing that is helping you stay together somehow. 

Inevitably, this frantic, manic clip leads to disconnection, anxiety, frustration and numbness. 

And you forget... 

You forget who you really are. You forget to stop and check in with yourself, your soul. You forget the power you have to calm yourself, to soothe yourself, to re-align yourself with your truth, to find clarity, to balance your soul and spirit and your human existence. 

We've all had magical times where we feel in complete alignment. When the choir of our soul sings in perfect harmony. Where we feel the power and peace of the Universe gently swirling and swaying inside us. 

And while times of challenge, upheaval, uncertainty are extremely distracting, they are also an invitation to powerfully go within and remember our strength, our unwavering truths, the wholeness of our divinity.

Do not forget yourselves my beauties. Do not forget that inside you exists a whole Universe of light and love, of peace and calm, of power and energy. 

Do not deny that your inner peace can translate to an outer calm that can blanket your existence, that can vibrationally attract more peace, more light, more clarity, more love.

Do not miss the openings here by filling all your time with the outward maintenance. Slow down. Look within. Remember who you are. It is always calm in the eye of the hurricane. Find space for that calm. You deserve it. Lean into it. Show yourself your truth. 

Now more than ever. It will serve you well.

We're rooting for you. We're rooting for all of us.

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