Manifestation: It's the Journey, Not the Destination

I sounds very counterintuitive... You thought Manifestation was the destination–as in, I intend to get a new, perfect, dream job–I manifest a new, perfect, dream job.

So, yes and no. Yes, you set your intention as clearly and as firmly as you can. You visualize, you feel the feelings, you make space for it in your life, you celebrate it before it even happens, you align with the vibration, etc. And then yes, you manifest it. AND...

While you are busy setting Intentions and Manifesting your Soul's are changing.

You see, just going from the idea that we are powerless to the Universe's whims and we are the "victim" of our lives to the idea that we have a lot of say as to how things go down in our lives is a MASSIVE SHIFT in consciousness...

And as we grapple with that shift–maybe a little at a time–we're growing. We're expanding our consciousness. We're busy in that beginning phase of setting intentions, getting clear, believing that it's possible to actually control your world.

As you can never step into the same river twice, you cannot help but grow and change along this journey. Who knows? Your intentions may even change as you return more and more to the Soul that chose this journey and into the wisdom that you have gained along the way.

You'll find that you may become a teacher. As people see you crushing your life, they may wonder how you're doing it. Perhaps that's a part of your journey. You may find you want to know more and more or that you find a guru of sorts to help you along the way.

You will absolutely find that once you begin this ride–and you will never be the same. As your Soul emerges and begins to express itself, you'll feel more whole. You'll feel more grounded and rooted in your personal truth. You will find that what previously may have distracted you, or even held your interest, may no longer serve you on your path and you are able to let those things go.

It's an honor to share these ideas with you. I too started out knowing nothing. Understanding nothing and feeling very much at the mercy of the Universe. But I have taken this road, and I have never looked back. It's pretty exciting when you think about it!


As always we're rooting for you!


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  • Great article! People so often just want instant gratification for everything they dont notice the great changes happening within themselves.

    Calvin on
  • Great article, I’ve been on a soul searching journey for the past few years and this has been the clearest most uplifting reading that has so far been spot on and has helped me towards my personal goal of manifesting into the person I truly wish to be. I recommend anyone on a spiritual journey seeking guidance to get their reading.

    Robert Griffin on
  • This is a great article. Many great blogs out there for sure. I’ve been practicing the law of attraction for a year and it helped a lot in my journey:-

    Vishal Kumar on

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